Don’t Ignore Bleeding Gums

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If you see blood in the sink when brushing your teeth, or your gums bleed throughout the day whenever they receive pressure or while you’re eating, that’s a symptom you shouldn’t ignore.

Generally, bleeding gums are a sign of a more serious underlying condition that Dr. Avi Mizrachi here at Columbia Dental Excellence in Columbia, Maryland, will need to look at immediately.

Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons why you shouldn’t ignore bleeding gums.

Sign of gum disease

Bleeding gums are a common sign of gum disease. Depending on the severity of the bleeding, it can indicate either gingivitis or advanced periodontitis. Gingivitis, if caught early, is easily treatable and reversible. However, advanced gum disease will cause issues that may require some form of oral surgery to mitigate.

Indicates bad oral health

Bleeding gums are also an indicator that you’re not doing enough to make sure your oral health is in as good of shape as possible. If the bleeding is minimal, it likely means you need to take more effort in bolstering gum health. That can be done through regular brushing and flossing.

Regardless of what causes the bleeding gums, they’re a problem you shouldn’t ignore. If you’re suffering from bleeding gums and want to know what the best course of action is, call us today at 410-381-0505 to schedule an appointment. We can’t wait to help you!